Just 3 more days. THREE MORE DAYS.
How did I spend my summer? Counting down the days until I was back at St. Mike’s with my friends (pictured below are my suite mates and myself). Don’t get me wrong summer is great, but I LOVE St. Mike’s.
People from my hometown ask me how my first year at college was and most of the time I respond saying, “Let’s just say I cried when I left my dorm room for the last time cause I loved it so much.” Most people think it's pathetic, I know… But I left this school year in a pretty rough state in my life so I think I had an excuse to be emotional. Toward the end of the school year things started to look up for me and my friends became my life. I really had no desire to come home to the small town of Enosburg--population approximately 2,500.
Although I was sad to leave school last spring, I knew my summer wasn’t going to be THAT bad. I had one internship, another regular job, and tons of activities with my friends from home planned. At St. Mike’s I’m a MJDA major, aka Media Studies, Journalism, and Digital Arts (people are always so I’m pressed when I tell them that because they think I’m a triple major… and then I throw in Business and Spanish minors too just to throw them off). I don’t really know exactly what I want to do after college, but does that really matter right now? How long do you think I can go with getting away with saying that?
Because I don’t really know what I want to do, I plan on having a different internship in every media field each summer. I did after all need to find something to pass the time away until I was back at school. The summer after my freshmen year at school, last summer, I interned at my town’s local newspaper. Mainly my job consisted of interviewing people my boss told me about, and then writing stories. I would also read police reports and summarize the ones related to people in my county. We were a weekly newspaper, so the day before we published I would spend the day editing every single thing that went into the newspaper. My first story of the summer was about a funeral for a fireman that died in line of duty. Other stories included a championship softball game, a teacher of the year, a town forest enhancement project, a local business opening, a local business closing, and a farm that found a way to help clean up the green algae in Lake Champlain! Here's one of the pictures I took to match an article I wrote covering a playoff soccer game for a town in my county.
It was fun interviewing and writing about so many people in my county. My favorite story of the summer took place at the end of July when I went skydiving and wrote about the not-for-profit organization that I went through. It was an adventure of a lifetime! Going out of my comfort zone and doing something that I was scared to do was easily the most thrilling experience. I surprisingly had such an amazing time jumping out of an airplane with three of the group's volunteers that I had never met before.
I am so thankful for the advice that St. Mike's career development office gave me last year. Without them, I would never have had these amazing opportunities.
When I wasn’t out being adventurous and taking advantage of amazing opportunities that my internship provided me with, I was bartending at our local country club. I loved this job. I loved seeing the same men every Thursday night for men’s league and the same couples every Friday night for couple’s league. I got to know my co workers so well which made every shift enjoyable and not feel like work too. By the end of the summer I realized I was really going to miss my coworkers and the the regular golfers.
Although I had a ton of fun with both of my jobs, I am so ready to go back to school. Just three more days and I will be reunited with my friends. I will be moving into my suite and watching my suite mates crush it in their volleyball games and cross country meets. I will be creating new meals with Alliot’s limited options. I will be stuck in the library late at night. I will be running across the hall to tell my floormates random information. I will be avoiding going to the gym. I miss all of this; I miss the Alliot workers, the professors, and the students that I would see everyday in passing. St. Mike’s is my home now and I cannot wait to be reunited in just THREE days.
Check out the awesome video I created from the two go pros that were used when I went skydiving
here. Again, thanks to St. Mike's for the amazing media classes they offer that taught me how to create videos like this one!