Monday, November 7, 2016

10/31-11/6: FOIA and Sunshine Act

This week I worked really hard on a project for my Media Law and Ethics in a Digital Age class. In the class we had been learning about the Freedom of Information Act and the Sunshine Act. There were four components to our research project. We were assigned a local town and we had to go to the town clerk's office to request information on a home sale. We had to look up information on a sex offender in the town. We had to go to an open meeting that falls under the Sunshine Act in our assigned town, and we had to go to the courthouse and sit in on an arraignment. After finishing all of these tasks, we had to right a reflection paper and discuss each component too. This week, I focused on half of the project. I went to a natural resource committee meeting and sat in on a court arraignment.
This week I also had a week of Spanish exams. As a Spanish minor, I am currently taking Third Semester Spanish. I have this class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This week we had a written exam on Monday, an in class essay question on Wednesday, and an oral exam on Friday.
After a long week of homework, studying, and exams, I was very relieved when the weekend came! Both my roommate and I had a friend from home coming to visit and another one of my roommates had her golden retriever for a night!

Here are a couple of snapshots from my week!

It felt so good to see my best friend, Taylor! 2.5 months was too long apart!

My roommate, Kristen, and I LOVE cheesecake and are thankful Alliot supplies it so often!

And of course, I can't close out my blog without a picture of me with a dog (I realize I forgot last weekend, but I was a Dalmatian for Halloween so I think that's good enough). This is my roommate Jade's dog, Paisley.
Feel free to email me with any questions you have, or follow me on social media to catch instant updates on my hectic life!

Snapchat: natalierj
Instagram: @natjackski
Twitter: @natjackski

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